About me
My name is Spiri and I am a Melbourne-based writer. I live with my husband, two children, and a bunch of pets. I love cooking, eating, reading, talking, laughing, playing, writing and daydreaming. Not always in that order.
I teach professional writing at Swinburne Institute of Technology. I regularly run writing workshops and mentor writers. I run the communications business Writing Spirit. I have published several books and stories. I love hearing stories and telling them. This blog is really an excuse for me to tell stories about my life. I admit it.
About this blog
The idea for the Tribal Tomato was born about a decade ago. I was reminiscing about an early experience of eating a tomato in my mum's village in Greece. The tomato was on a wedge of homebaked bread, drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with oregano. I was surrounded by people I loved, eating good food that was grown in the soil around me. I remember feeling very self-contained, and yet a part of something bigger than myself. As I was only seven, I couldn't really articulate it at the time. Now that I can, I am writing this blog to capture the sentiments reflected in that memory.
The Tribal Tomato is about food, family and connection. It also led to a book about a humble tomato, and more recently, one about how to live long and well.
About the photos
You will notice many lovely photos in the blog. Most are taken by my very talented husband George Mifsud, who also grows the beautiful produce you see in our garden. If you like what you see, check out more of his work at Mifsud Photography or if you want to get all modern check out his Instagram page @viewfrommygarden.