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22 October 2020


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Beautiful piece. Mothers bring out the best in us.


Hi Spiri,
Apologies for contacting you this way- I don’t have the email app that you use so can’t get to you via email! I was hoping you might be able to help me- I read your book Afternoons in Ithaka (on kindle) whilst travelling in Greece last year (as a fellow Melbournian with Greek background). It was such a beautiful story and took me back to stories of all four of my grandparents growing up in Greece and moving to Australia for a better life. I would love to gift a hard copy of your book to my mum as I know it will resonate with her strongly and make her so happy to read a similar story to her own. My only issue is that I can’t seem to track it down anywhere online- do you have any suggestions on how I could get it? Absolutely not chasing a free copy, would love to purchase and support your work. Please let me know if you could be of help! Kindest, Carla

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