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18 March 2020


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Sheila Hirst

Beautiful and such wise words. ❤️

Spiri Tsintziras

Thank you so much Sheila!


Thank you, beautiful. Sending love. Looking for my own copy of Parlour Games. Worrying about having enough food (but, then, I always worry about this - it's the scarcity feeling). Wondering how I will manage this uncertainty. Like you, thinking that writing it out will help XO

Jane Anderson

Thanks for your wise words. Lets hope we get through this relatively unscathed and be sensible and kind. What a great opportunity to catch up on all those things at home we never get time to do. Take care and stay well xx ^..^

Spiri Tsintziras

Yes dear Sam writing and playing and trying to find things to take us away from thinking and worrying too much! Sending best always. x

Spiri Tsintziras

You too Jane, you too! Quinces lush on the tree - I can feel a jam coming on.. Sending best to you and yours! xx

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